Walking sticks of Tutankhamun: A magnificent artifact.
The walking sticks of king Tutankhamun, a magnificent artifact that was found during the discovery of the king's tomb in 1922.
The enemies of the king are engraved on the walking stick to demonstrate the king's control and power over his rivals.

Around 130 staves with similar engravings were found inside the tomb of Tutankhamun! Tutankhamun's tomb has provided Egyptologists with unprecedented knowledge and understanding of kings during the 18th dynasty.
In ancient Egypt, kings and nobles were holding staves "walking sticks" as a indication of aristocracy as well as aiding them to kneel upon it.

Ancient wall drawings, demonstrated in the third footage, depict king Tut with a walking stick. Scholars believed that king Tutankhamun had a severe bone disease that prevented him from walking, which made more sense why such staves were found in his tomb.
King Tutankhamun's staves are demonstrated now in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo.
Make sure to visit the museum and take a glimpse of this amazing artifact, and other fascinating pieces of course!